
Posts Tagged ‘Holiday recipes’

Chocolate pecan pie

pecan pie 1This chocolate pecan pie is inspired by the the famous pie served in Kentucky each year for the Kentucky Derby. It’s so simple to make it’s a good choice for the holidays when you are juggling lots of other things.


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In Sweden, Dec. 13 marks St. Lucia Day, a day traditionally when the oldest daughter of the family wears a white robe, a red sash, and a wreath of lit candles on her head as she delivers coffee and saffron buns to the rest of the family still huddled in bed against the cold and dark morning.

St. Lucia is one of the very few saints honored by Lutheran Scandinavians (Swedes, Norwegians, Finns, and Danes) and in some parts of Italy. I’m not exactly clear who St. Lucia was, except that she did some self-sacrificing behavior for the good of others. The legends and stories differ depending on the region of the world.


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Hot spiced cider with a hint of orange is the perfect way to warm up in between dashing to and fro holiday errands and parties.


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Things are definitely looking cheery and sparkly and sugary these days. Thanksgiving may be all about gratitude and huge, heaping platefuls of food, but food traditions around Christmas tend to have more ethereal qualities like imagination and hope and wonder.


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